Thursday, 1 December 2011

Scaling New Heights

So, I hope you're all now fully recovered from your shock at the fact that I'd not only been asked out (on a definite date, not one of these, 'Is this a date? Or are we just having a drink in a pub? It is, after all, the third time we've done this, and on no occasion at the end of the evening have you attempted anything more amorous than a peck on the cheek and a cheery, "See you soon, then!"' - I have been involved in quite a few of these scenarios). But that I also remained true to my resolution to try new things.

Having spent four days beating myself up for suggesting an activity that was clearly going to show me in the worst light imaginable, I not only enjoyed it, but also decided it's quite a good way of vetting a potential chap's qualities.

When climbing a fake wall is mooted as a date, does he:
A/ Raise an eyebrow and say, 'Are you kidding? I think you'd be safer in a pub.'
B/ Say, 'Sure, I know just the place. I'll show you how to do it, you'll be fine. I'll pick you up about seven.'

When you arrive at the fake wall centre (a place alarmingly called 'Alien Rock'), does he:
A/ Wave vaguely at the equipment and tell you to 'get stuck in'
B/ Check very thoroughly that you have the right size shoes (explaining why they have to be so small that you are effectively turned into a rock climbing geisha) and then set up your harness for you so it's all the right way round and you just have to clamber into it

When you are attired in all this gear and contemplating a daunting array of walls and loads of people who know what they're doing, with a look on your face that even Stevie Wonder would say conveyed, 'I think I've just made a terrible mistake, this is going to be awful', does he:
A/ Give you short shrift and tell you not to be such a nancy
B/ Grin broadly at you and give you a massive hug

When talking you through how to do the same knot for the seventh time, does he:
A/ Look at you in despair and say, 'How do you NOT GET THIS?'
B/ Laugh cheerily at you whilst describing you (not unkindly) as 'a bit of a spaz'

When you are 3/4 of the way up a wall and have got stuck, does he:
A/ Immediately winch you down, assuming you'll never make it to the top
B/ Shout up at you to 'dangle about for a bit and then have another go at it - go on, you can do it' - which proves to be enough encouragement to engineer a successful outcome

Dangling about on a rope is also a good test of whether you trust someone. I'm not sure I was much cop when the situation was reversed; I had to attach myself to a massive sandbag for a start, to avoid swinging off the ground like a vicar in a '70s comedy sketch about bell-ringing as he came down. I was feeling more attractive by the minute.

Still, I managed to get to the top of about three walls; the first two times I tried one of the 'beginner' ones, I got about 4/5 of the way up, then freaked out because I felt too high up. The third time I told myself not to be so wet and made it to the top (result!) It's not too hard if you pick the walls with big hand and foot holds and, as I'd been told, kind of climb it like a ladder, pushing up from your feet, rather than trying to haul yourself up with your arms. The holds are all in different colours, and have been mapped into 'routes' up, so if you just stick to the same colour, you will, in theory, be able to make it to the top. I wouldn't rush to do it again, but I'm really pleased I did it and did feel quite a big sense of achievement when I got to the top of the various walls and for challenging my fear of heights.

I'm not sure I passed with flying colours, but The Chap certainly passed the Gentleman Test - as an activity, it definitely reveals more about a person than an evening in the pub. Although I did of course make swift work of half a bottle of red wine afterwards at the sheer relief of being safe and sound on the ground, thus taking us back into more traditional date territory.