As it's a rather grey evening up here in the frozen North (eight degrees colder than London, my Google weather thing informs me), I thought I'd warm myself by producing the current List of Men I'd Like to Marry. That should warm the cockles of my chilled heart no end!
So, in no particular order, this week's selection box includes:
1/ Chris Addison. Despite the fact that he's now on a Direct Line ad (oh Chris, how could you?) he is still a very consistent crush object. I went to my friend Dan's Karaoke Circus (at which comedians and non-famous types alike get to sing popular songs accompanied by a live band, and sometimes a full orchestra), at which Mr Addison is a regular. He does an excellent Jarvis Cocker, if you're interested. This was just prior to me leaving London for The Great Move North. Chris Addison passed quite close by me at one point, which led one of my friends to mutter, 'Don't let him SEE YOU. What if he finds you IRRESISTIBLE when you're just about to move to the other end of the country? It would be a TRAGEDY'. We were both very much ignoring the fact he's happily married. Let's face it, very few of the List of Men I'd Like to Marry are in any way available. Let's also leave aside the fact that if I had had occasion to speak to him, I would also have shot myself in the foot by saying something embarrassing or stupid.
2/ Mark Watson. Ditto on the happily married front. My assumption he's a thoroughly nice man was borne out by the fact that not only did he blog about the book I sent him recently, but he also EMAILED ME TO THANK ME FOR IT. This made my year. Manners really do maketh the man. Mr Watson, I salute you.
3/ Tim Key (yes, it's comedians week here at Purple Towers). I met him today. He is lovely and has eyes that are a rather beautiful hazel colour. He was sporting a cardigan, which as we all know, is my favourite sartorial item. He has sorted out free tickets for his gig in Glasgow on Sunday. I sent him away with a home-made flapjack (sadly, not by me) and a huge stack of books, the subtext of which was clearly, 'I would make you an excellent wife.' You never know, it might work.
4/ Guy Garvey. Now fancied by me and three of my colleagues after we went to the Elbow gig at the SECC last night. He is very funny. He looks like he'd give you a fantastic hug. His songs are bloody lovely. He also stopped in the middle of the gig to prepare cocktails for the band, complete with proper cocktail shaker, and fairy lights. You've got to love a man who hasn't (by his own admission) been on a stage since September 2009, and yet decides to make a cocktail in the middle of a huge gig in front of thousands of people. I also think One Day Like This is my favourite song ever - I'm a massive sucker for a string section and a rousing chorus, and it has a very cheering sentiment.
Well, I now have to run off for a date with Cheerful James, so the list only runs to four Men I'd Like to Marry, but that's fine, I think. My cockles are suitably warmed and I hope yours are too. Especially if you're a single lady - it's always good to have a crush on the go, especially with a promise of Spring round the corner.
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