Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Momentous Occasion No. 2

I found my first grey hair. GAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Despite the fact I've been dyeing my hair ever since I left home, a grey hair has battled its way through. And not just one! I found two! So there it is, I'm now definitively old. This is horrible. Now I shall have to start bleating, 'But will it cover my little bit of grey?' every time I go to Boots for hair dye, like Davina's neurotic, unseen telephone mum on the Garnier ads. And someone with fewer grey hairs than me will have to laugh in a jolly, patronising way, and go, 'Yes, of course it will!' whilst swishing their shiny YOUNG hair at me. People from Garnier are paid to do that in Boots, it's just I've never seen them before. They only appear when you go grey.

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